Product Summary

The H5PS5162FFR-Y5C is a DDR2 SDRAM.


H5PS5162FFR-Y5C absolute maximum ratings: (1)Voltage on VDD pin relative to Vss:-1.0V to 2.3V; (2)Voltage on VDDQ pin relative to Vss:-0.5 to 2.3V; (3)Voltage on VDDL pin relative to Vss:-0.5V to 2.3V; (4)Voltage on any pin relative to Vss:-0.5V to 2.3V; (5)Storage Temperature :-55 to +100; (6)Input leakage current; any input 0V VIN VDD; all other balls not under test = 0V):-2μA to 2μA; (7)Input leakage current; any input 0V VIN VDD; all other balls not under test = 0V) :-5μA to 5μA.


H5PS5162FFR-Y5C features: (1)VDD ,VDDQ =1.8 +/- 0.1V; (2)All inputs and outputs are compatible with SSTL_18 interface; (3)Fully differential clock in puts (CK, /CK) operation; (4)Double data rate interface; (5)Source synchronous-data transaction aligned to bidirectional data strobe (DQS, DQS ); (6)Differential Data Strobe (DQS, DQS ); (7)Data outputs on DQS, DQS edges when read (edged DQ); (8)Data inputs on DQS centers when write(centered DQ); (9)On chip DLL align DQ, DQS and DQS transition with CK transition.


H5PS5162FFR-Y5C block diagram